Ellsworth Kelly Exhibition


An exhibition website for American artist Ellsworth Kelly, who was a painter and well recognized by his approach of color field painting.

HTML5 CSS JavaScript Sketch

Project Date

2019-08-30 14:31:52

Project Type


This is a clickable website for artist Ellsworth Kelly’s exhibition at SFMOMA in San Francisco. Ellsworth was an American painter, sculptor, and printmaker who was famous for his color palette work. The minimalism, especially in his work Spectrum IV, inspired me to build a minimal website that stays up with the current design trend.

Early Prototyping

While in the early stage, all web elements are planned out in the wireframe, including these shown below. I’d love to create visually stunning wireframes; however, they have to buildable with HTML/CSS/JavaScript, as well as responsive for all screen sizes.

Ellsworth Kelly Exhibition
Ellsworth Kelly Exhibition

Wireframe Elements

Hero Image / Landing Page - Auto Looping SFMOMA building exterior video. Text overlay that introduces the exhibition and navigation to the detail page.
Featured Exhibition - An image slideshow presents the artist’s work exhibiting in SFMOMA. Short introduction with a link to detail.
Textbox over image - Textbox hovering on top of a museum photo.
Photos Slideshow - Auto looping images slideshow for SFMOMA museum’s interior.
Tabs for artwork - Tabs to view different artwork and its description.

Ellsworth Kelly Exhibition

Ellsworth Kelly Exhibition

Ellsworth Kelly Exhibition
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